Saturday 7 April 2012


YES finally easter and i have SO much chocolate!! my siblings are on a high already. the bunnys actually pretty big, and I'v already devoured about 3/4 of the golden egg on the right. it was enormous when i started.                           

Wednesday 4 April 2012

YAY found my cameraaaaaa

やっとカメラみっけ(お母さんに頼まれて)2012年度京都旅行の写真でっせfinally found my camera... im compiling a bunch of 2012 mckinnon family kyoto photos!

climbing daimonnji mountain with one of our japanese "cousins" he's the one in the red up front, hes my mothers cousins child, but hes the closest thing we have to a cousin on our mothr's side.
kyoto from the top of the mountain. after climbing damn 4km all we can see is a massive amount of grey buildings. (sniff) :'( it reminds a bit of tokyo.
ginnkaku temple. its really famous but to be honest it didnt look too exciting.
people throw money into the "wishing pond" I wasted about $5 with mariko trying to get the money to land on the rock.
thank youuu.that was ginkakuji/daimonnji i'll be back!



suicide pact

today our suicide pact finally came into action and; thankfully, finished. over the last month or so us 5 have all asked out who we like and out of 5, only 2 relationships have worked out. 2/5