Wednesday 4 April 2012

suicide pact

today our suicide pact finally came into action and; thankfully, finished. over the last month or so us 5 have all asked out who we like and out of 5, only 2 relationships have worked out. 2/5

1 comment:

  1. are you a member of astrology aya? The suicide pact thing isn't funny... I hope you are referring to a "suicide mission" to ask someone out... correct?

    If you did know astrology, you would know that a Mars Retrograde cycle isn't the best time to start a new relationship explaining your 2/5 odds at the time in question. Now Venus is retro and its not good either. Its not usual to have these two cycles so close to each other. Anyhow, the best time to meet someone and start bonding in a year and a half period is coming up when Venus goes direct :D google for dates but I estimate end of June and all of July.. So try again then!

